
Showing posts from 2009


Blogger Bookmark Email IM Blog Social Learn%20How%20to%20Stop%20Metastasized%20Cancer%2C%20An%20Alternative%20Cancer%20Treatment%20Plan%2C%20Stop%20Any%20Cancer%20including%20Lung%2C%20Breast%2C%20Liver%2C%20Pancreas%2C%20Prostate%2C%20etc Gadgets powered by Google Please Pay Close Attention: If you or someone you love has cancer then this could be the most important website you will Visit. Because, the only difference between a problem and an inconvenience is that a problem (cancer) is only a problem because you have no good answer. The key answer that you need, which will only be found here...
There is a saying in tamil language "Noyartra vazhve kuraivatra selvam " - meaning "A Life without disease is the highest wealth". Everyone in the universe will be happy to be in Good Health - That too his entire life. However, this is next to impossible. At one time or the other, we do contract disease. Ever since universe came into existence, human race had had dealt with various methods of treatment for diseases. As time passed, the method of treatment changed with improvements. Allopathy, modern medicine, made lot of improvements and brought out new medicines and treatments. Unfortunately, most of the modern allopathy medicines come with side effects. What Is Complementary and Alternative Medicine? Complementary and alternative medicine is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. Indian medical system comprise Ayurveda, yoga, Unani,Siddha. The other altenatives a...